F(x) has a double root x=1, hence it is the turning point of the curve.  It will touch the  x axis at x=1 and then turn back, as can be seen from the graph




For ascertaining if any of the roots are inflection points, we find f”(x)


F(x)= x4+3x3-3x2-7x +6


F’(x)= 4x3 +9x2 -6x-7


F “ (x) = 12x2 +18x -6.


Since the roots are 1 ,1,-2 and -3, F “(x) ≠ 0  for any of x= 1, -2 and -3.  Hence none of the roots are the inflection points.


As seen from the graph , there are two local minima and one local maxima.

