The range of the data is from 21 to 100.  For 10 intervals, the data can be grouped in 10 classes of width 8 each, as shown below.  The total data is 47.  This has been put in appropriate intervals shown there in


Interval             frequency                 relative frequency


21-28                  1                             1/47  =0.02


29-36                  1                             1/47  =0.02


37-44                  1                              1/47  =0.02


45-52                  0                              0      =0


53-60                  2                             2/47  =0.04


61-68                  2                             2/47 =0 .04


69-76                  9                             9/47 =0 .19


77-84                 11                            11/47= 0.23


85-92                  8                              8/47 = 0.17


93-100               12                            12/47 =0.26


          Total         47                            1                                           

