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About Us

SchoolTrainer is a leading provider of customized, online academic coaching services, including free homework help and one-on-one academic coaching. Online learning can be a great way to prepare for tests, and our academic coaches can provide much more than traditional tutors.

How got started

In 2006, a small team of  Yale University students researched an opportunity to provide low-cost offshore academic coaching services that were superior to the traditional “call center” type of  tutoring. Their idea won the backing of several angel investors, and the company was born. Today, we offer students a unique combination of low cost and high quality academic coaching.  We are still a very young company, but are growing fast.

Free online homework help, 24×7

Most students get help on homework from friends and family from time to time, and SchoolTrainer is just another friend. You never need an appointment for free homework help, just let us know what help you need and we’ll put our best minds on the problem – and it’s free if you refer a friend. SchoolTrainer is committed to helping students succeed, no matter what their budget is.

Hundreds of professional tutors

Clearly, getting help when you are really stuck is beneficial, but we recognize that it’s equally important to show students the value of challenging themselves and tackling problems on their own.  If any students become heavy users of SchoolTrainer’s free homework help service, we will provide a live online academic coach to help them reduce their dependency. Each of our academic coaches has had to pass an extensive screening, certification and background-check process.