Physics (College/University Lectures)
Physics Lectures
Video Tutorials under College Physics
- 1-Dimensional Kinematics, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration
- 2-Dimensional Momentum Problem Part 1
- 2-Dimensional Momentum Problem Part 2
- 2-Dimensional Projectile Motion Part 1
- 2-Dimensional Projectile Motion Part 2
- 2-Dimensional Projectile Motion Part 3
- 2-Dimensional Projectile Motion Part 4
- 2-Dimensional Projectile Motion Part 5
- 3-D Kinematics, The Motion of Projectiles
- Accelerated Charges, Poynting Vector, and Power
- Ampere’s Law and Solenoids
- Angular Momentum
- Batteries, EMF, Energy Conservation, Kirchoff’s Rules, Circuits, and Power
- Beats- Damped Free Oscillations
- Biot-Savart Law, Gauss’ Law for Magnetic Fields, and High Voltage Power Lines
- Boundary Conditions at Perfect Conductors, Reflection, and Standing EM Waves
- Boundary Conditions for Dielectrics, Index of Refraction, Snell’s Law, and Total Internal Reflection
- Buoyant Force and Bernoulli’s Equation
- Calculus Proof that a=v^2/r
- Capacitance and Field Energy
- Center of Mass
- Centripetal Acceleration Part 1
- Centripetal Acceleration Part 2
- Centripetal Acceleration Part 3
- Change of Momentum, Impulse, Rockets
- Circular Motion, Centrifuges, Moving Reference Frames
- Classical Mechanics 1
- Classical Mechanics 2
- Classical Mechanics 3
- Classical Mechanics 4
- Classical Mechanics 5
- Classical Mechanics 6
- Classical Mechanics 7
- Classical Mechanics 8
- Classical Mechanics 9
- Collisions and the Center of Mass
- Conservation of Angular Momentum
- Conservation of Energy
- Conservative Forces and SHO
- Cosmology 1
- Cosmology 2
- Cosmology 3
- Cosmology 4
- Cosmology 5
- Cosmology 6
- Cosmology 7
- Cosmology 8
- Coupled Oscillators
- Coupled Oscillators, Wave Equation, and Transverse Traveling Pulses and Waves
- Course Introduction and Newtonian Mechanics
- Currents, Resisitivity, and Ohm’s Law
- Diffraction, Grating, Pin Holes, and Angular Resolution
- Diplacement Current, Synchronous Motors, and Induction Motors
- Dispersion, Phase Velocity, and Group Velocity
- Doppler Effect and the Big Bang Cosmology
- Doppler Effect, Sound, EM Radiation, Binary Stars, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes
- Doppler Shift and Stellar Dynamics
- Double Slit Interference and Interferometers
- Driven Coupled Oscillators and Cramer’s Rule
- Driven LRC Circuits and Metal Detectors
- Dynamics of a Multiple-Body System and Law of Conservation of Momentum
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 1
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 10
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 11
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 12
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 2
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 3
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 4
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 5
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 6
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 7
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 8
- Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity 9
- Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
- Elasticity of Materials
- Elecromagnetic Waves (Radio), the Speed of Light, Resonance, and Distance Determination using Lasers
- Electric Charges, Polarization, and Electric Force
- Electric Fields, Field Lines, Superposition, Inductive Charges, and Dipoles
- Electric Flux and Gauss’s Law
- Electric Shock Treatment, Pacemakers, Electroardiograms, and Superconductivity
- Electromagnetic Induction, Faraday’s Law, and Non-conservative Fields
- Electromagnetic Waves, Plane Wave Solutions to Maxwell’s Equations, and Polarization
- Electrostatic Potential, Electrical Energy, and Equipotential Surfaces
- Elliptical Orbits
- Equipotential Surfaces, Conductors, and Electrostatic Shielding
- Exam 2 Review
- Exam Review
- Exam Review 2
- Exam-1 Review
- Farewell Special
- Fluid Dynamics and Statics and Bernoulli’s Equation
- Forced Oscillation, Power at Resonance, and Transient Phenomena
- Forced Oscillations and Resonance
- Forced Oscillations with Damping
- Four-Vector in Relativity
- Fourier Analysis, Time Evolution of Pulses on Strings
- Friction
- Gravitation
- Harmonic Motion Part 1
- Heat, Conductivity and Thermal Expansion
- High-Voltage Breakdown, Lightning, and Sparks
- Hooke’s Law and Simple Harmonic Motion
- Huygens’ Principle, Interference, and Thin Films
- Hysteresis, Electromagnets, and Maxwell’s Equations
- Ideal-Gas Law and Phase Transitions, Isothermal Atmosphere
- Index of Refraction, Poynting Vector, Oscillating Charges, and Polarization
- Introduction to Angular Velocity
- Introduction to Introduction to Astrophysics
- Introduction to Momentum
- Introduction to Motion Part 1
- Introduction to Motion Part 2
- Introduction to Motion Part 3
- Introduction to Newton’s Law of Gravitation
- Introduction to Relativity
- Introduction to Tension
- Introduction to the Four-Vector
- Introduction to Torque
- Introduction to Work and Energy Part 1
- Introduction to Work and Energy Part 2
- Kepler’s Laws
- Law of Conservation of Energy in Higher Dimensions
- Lorentz Transformation
- Magnetic Fields, Lorentz Force, Torques, Electric Motors (DC), and Oscilloscope
- Magnetic Materials, Dia-, Para-, and Ferromagnetism
- Measurements of Space and Time
- Mechanical Advantage Part 1
- Mechanical Advantage Part 2
- Mechanical Advantage Part 3
- Moments Part 1
- Moments Part 2
- Momentum: Ice Skater Throws a Ball
- Motional EMF, Eddy Currents, and Magnetic Braking
- Moving Charges in B-fields, Cyclotron, Synchrotron, and Mass Spectrometer
- Moving Pulley Problem Part 1
- Moving Pulley Problem Part 2
- Musical Instruments, Sound Cavities, and Normal Modes
- Newton’s First Law of Motion
- Newton’s Law Problem Part 1
- Newton’s Law Problem Part 2
- Newton’s Laws
- Newton’s Laws (cont.) and Inclined Planes
- Newton’s Laws of Motion
- Newton’s Second Law of Motion
- Newton’s Third Law of Motion
- Newton’s Three Laws
- Optimal Angle for Projectile Part 1
- Optimal Angle for Projectile Part 2
- Optimal Angle for Projectile Part 3
- Optimal Angle for Projectile Part 4
- Other Oscillating Systems
- Periodic Phenomena
- Polarization, Dielectrics, and Capacitors
- Polarizers, Malus’s Law, Brewster Angle, and Polarization by Relection/Scattering
- Potential Energy Stored in a Spring
- Pressure in a Static Fluid
- Projectile Motion Part 1
- Projectile Motion Part 10
- Projectile Motion Part 2
- Projectile Motion Part 3
- Projectile Motion Part 4
- Projectile Motion Part 5
- Projectile Motion Part 6
- Projectile Motion Part 7
- Projectile Motion Part 8
- Projectile Motion Part 9
- Projectile Motion with Ordered Set Notation
- Projectile Motion with Unit Vectors Part 1
- Projectile Motion with Unit Vectors Part 2
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 1
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 2
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 3
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 4
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 5
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 6
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 7
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 8
- Quantum Entanglements 1, 9
- Quantum Entanglements 3, 1
- Quantum Entanglements 3, 2
- Quantum Entanglements 3, 3
- Quantum Entanglements 3, 4
- Quantum Entanglements 3, 5
- Quantum Entanglements 3, 6
- Quantum Entanglements 3, 7
- Quantum Entanglements 3, 8
- Quantum Mechanics 1
- Quantum Mechanics 10
- Quantum Mechanics 2
- Quantum Mechanics 3
- Quantum Mechanics 5
- Quantum Mechanics 6
- Quantum Mechanics 7
- Quantum Mechanics 8
- Quantum Mechanics 9
- Rainbows
- Rainbows, Haloes, Coronae, and Glories
- Rate of Change of Angular Momentum
- Refraction and Dispersion
- Resistive Forces
- Review Exam 1
- Review Exam 2
- Review Exam 3
- RL Cirucits, Inductance, and Magnetic Field Energy
- Rotational Kinetic Energy
- Rotations, Part 1: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies
- Rotations, Part 2: Parallel Axis Theorem
- Satellite Orbits – Energy – Power
- Simple Harmonic Motion
- Simple Harmonic Motion (cont.) and Introduction to Waves
- Special Relativity 1
- Special Relativity 2
- Special Relativity 3
- Special Relativity 4
- Special Relativity 5
- Special Relativity 6
- Special Relativity 7
- Special Relativity 8
- Spring and Hooke’s Law
- Spring Potential Energy Example (Mistake in Math)
- Static Equilibrium
- Statistical Mechanics 1
- Statistical Mechanics 10
- Statistical Mechanics 2
- Statistical Mechanics 3
- Statistical Mechanics 4
- Statistical Mechanics 5
- Statistical Mechanics 6
- Statistical Mechanics 7
- Statistical Mechanics 8
- Statistical Mechanics 9
- Tension in an Accelerating System
- Tension Part 2
- The Boltzmann Constant and First Law of Thermodynamics
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics (cont.) and Entropy
- The Second Law of Thermodynamics and Carnot’s Engine
- The Taylor Series and Other Mathematical Concepts
- The Wonderful Quantum World
- Thermodynamics
- Torque
- Torques, Oscillating Bodies
- Transformers and RC Circuits
- Traveling Waves and Standing Waves (Musical Instruments)
- Traveling Waves, Boundary Conditions, Sound Waves, and Energy in Waves
- Unit Vector Notation Part 1
- Unit Vector Notation Part 2
- Vectors in Multiple Dimensions
- Vectors, Dot Products, Cross Products, 3D Kinematics
- Visual Proof: a= v^2/r
- Wave Guides: Radiation and Sound
- Waves
- Weight and Weightlessness
- Work and Mechanical Energy
- Work-Energy Theorem and Law of Conservation of Energy
- Work/Energy Problem with Friction
- X-ray Astronomy and Astrophysics