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How can you improve your reading comprehension?

Monday, January 11th, 2010

improve reading comprehensionReading comprehension is about understanding, grasping and retaining what has been read. It’s not just about glossing through or running your eyes over the pages. After all, what counts at the end of the exercise is the amount of material you have been able to understand and retain for future reference.

Typically, you would have some idea of the story, article or book that you have taken on to read. Therefore, keep your mind on how that idea is being expanded upon. See the manner in which the paragraphs have been developed, how the different ideas have been differentiated under various headings, how the story progresses to it logical conclusion.

As you continue reading, either take notes or highlight the vital portions. Avoid underlining portions of pages as it clutters up the pages and lends them a dirty look. Highlighting will also help you revisit the necessary portions. You could highlight with different colors to mark out different ideas.

Look at the new words that have been used in the story. Make a note of these words and their meanings. Try using these words in sentences of your own. This will help you understand these words better. And then add them to your personal vocabulary.

After completing reading the story or a large portion of the book, sit back and review it all. This will help bring into focus all the vital aspects of the story. It will also help look forward to the things that need to be looked for in the ensuing pages.

Look for things you have not been able to understand in the story. Jot down these points and look elsewhere, such as reference books or on the Internet, to clarify these issues. Thus, you will eliminate the gaps in the story. A good reader is one who would have understood and grasped all that has been read. That’s a tall order, but nevertheless worth striving for.

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